Connecting with God & Kiddos This Summer
Let’s frame our summer by enjoying God’s presence and being enjoyed by God. We know God is always with us and that being in his Spirit is the place of fulfillment.
Exodus 33:14 says, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” What comes up when you think about this verse and your summer plans? God’s presence gives us rest. We can turn our attention to him in all the summer things of early mornings, late nights, trips, pools, etc. and know we are in his presence. We can learn practices that allow us to be present to what is in front of us — our kiddos, activities — and be present to the Spirit of God, both in our home and when we are traveling.
My friend, Bekah Pogue, writes, “If it’s rest we need to live fully, it’s the minutes we must enjoy, for those are when God shows up.” God is there in the moments, loving us, shaping us and longing for us to notice him. When we are present in deep ways we see God’s gift of those moments.
Bekah continues, “At our core is the need to be loved, to be enjoyed by God first. I know it sounds obvious, but when I lose myself to God’s Spirit, I find my truest self.” How can we remember God’s love this summer? What does it feel like to be enjoyed by God? To be enjoyed by God as we rest in his presence? This summer let's choose practices and rhythms in our homes that allow this enjoyment to take root. I invite you to try all of these. They might be uncomfortable at first, especially if they are new to your home. Pick one or more that fits you and how God made you.
Practicing the presence: Practicing the presence is a spiritual discipline from Brother Lawrence who was a dishwasher as a monk and came to find that washing dishes was the place he was closest to God. He writes, “That in order to form a habit of conversing with GOD continually, and referring all we do to Him; we must at first apply to Him with some diligence: but that after a little care we should find His love inwardly excite us to it without any difficulty.”
It takes practice to learn to focus on what we are doing and God with us. It can be helpful to start by choosing one task each day to practice this. Begin by talking to the Holy Spirit: what are you about in this? How are you enjoying me as I do laundry? God, how are you loving me as I discipline my children? God, I feel exhausted, frustrated, happy — what are you showing me in these emotions? God, I know you are here but it doesn’t feel like it — what are you teaching me? Just chat with him about anything and everything that comes up during that time. Eventually this becomes a habit and flows into other parts of our days.
Gift journals: These are similar to gratitude journals, but intentionally looking for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You can do it in the morning with your kids, or at night, or whenever it fits into your home. Maybe squeeze it into a time that is tense each day and needs a refocus. Get simple notebooks and decorate them, or just give out pieces of paper and ask, “What gifts of the Holy Spirit did you see today? What are you grateful to God for today?” My children draw pictures, and my husband and I write lists. Then, we share and talk about what came up. It helps us as moms to focus on where we are seeing and connecting with God in the day, and it begins to teach our kids that God is always with us and loving us. Bonus: it also creates a sweet little summer memory book!
Prayer walks together: These walks can be as big as a hike or as little as an outside walk around your house. The purpose is getting outside and connecting to God and each other. For us with the littles, we point out creation and talk about how God created the world. For the older kids, we pray for neighbors as we pass by. It's taking the reality of God and connecting it to your walk. It’s simple and reminds us of his truth.
Reading together Reading the Bible together can sound intense, but it doesn’t have to be. You can read aloud a verse a day from your phone, or have a kid read it. Ask, “What does that mean? How can you apply it today?” Then, pray together.
Breath prayer: It’s a discipline that we could cover quickly for now. It is connecting breath to prayer. As a mama, I often pray this when I am putting kiddos to sleep or feeling frantic: on the inhale “Lord Jesus…” and on the exhale “…I am your beloved.” It connects my breath to truth, it calms my nervous system, and I can focus. I invite my kiddos to do the same in a simple way when they are going crazy. Inhale “Jesus,” and exhale “peace.” This teaches them to slow down, as well as connect to God and their bodies. Then maybe ask, “What does your body feel like? What are you feeling?”
Mama, if you want to chat or have questions about this in your home, reach out. I would love to chat with you as we enjoy God together. I also offer soul-care sessions — a space for you to rest and notice what the Holy Spirit is about in your life. Email me at, or reach out on Instagram @_chelseamontminy_